Hello readers, Through the luck of the Rafflecopter draw, I got picked to enter the Writer’s Voice, a multi-blog, multi-agent contest hosted by Cupid of Cupid’s Literary Connection , Krista Van Dolzer of Mother. Write. (Repeat.) , Monica B.W. of Love YA , and Brenda Drake of Brenda Drake Writes . (You can read all about it here .) As part of the contest, here are my query + 250! My Query: DECIDING HIJAB is a 15,100 worded multicultural, girly YA. 15 year old Yasmeen recently started wearing the headscarf. Along with covering up comes problems. She faces an atheist teacher giving mis-information and getting unwanted attention from a boy. Some good comes out of this, Yasmeen meets a faithful Christian girl named Jenna and she has a load of questions for her interest in their religion, Islam. They faces many problems, yet that doesn't stop them from being who they are and want to be. I'm a muslim college student and poet. I have been published in two small Muslim girl...