Hello readers, it's the second to last day of this challenge! Here's a few poems that may or may not be inspired by poetic asides and may or may not start with the letter Y:
Exercise your mind and your body
push yourself, yet relax
Yoga lets you exercise both
but in ways to let you calm down and relax.
People say life
is like a roller coaster
and it is,
but it also
can be compared to other things
like a yo-yo.
We Need
Shade we need
once we get heated
water we need
food we need
it is life we are living
while we get heated.
*this last poem was my attempt at a shadorma.
-Fida Islaih
{all writing is copyrighted}
One more day to go; I'll miss the camaraderie of A - Z. Please stop by MROP any time you wish.