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A to Z: C is for Can't... And IWSG

Inspired by poetic asides and napowrimo, here is a couple poems that may or may not start with C:

Cannot Lie

A prompt told me to write a poem
that tells a lie, but I cannot lie
for the poems I write come from the depths
of my heart telling who I am

I cannot lie for its forbidden to purposely sin
especially to hurt others
and why lie to someone who wants the truth
maybe you shouldn't be friends.


I'm tentative
not certain, not fixed
or confident 
about everything

But it's alright to be that way
we have family, friends, even strangers
to support us

Above all is God
it's alright to be uncertain 
for He will show us along the path. 


Ever since I announced I'd self publish a poetry collection by the end of the year, I've been scared. I have the poems, the cover, I know I have to edit and format. I learned a lot and know what I have to do, but seriously? The business side. Making all these accounts and handling them and then the money aspect. I need help, but I'm broke to pay for help.

I'm scared that if I let the scary part push me away I'll break a promise I made to you and myself.

-Fida Islaih
{all writing is copyrighted}


Lovely poem and good luck with the publishing. It's very scary the first time, but it is very rewarding.
saniya said…
Fabulous poem. All the best for publishing. I'm sure it's gonna okay. :)
Melissa said…
The business side of writing scares me, too. There's so much to learn!

Don't worry about us, though. The writing community is very understanding when one of its members has to change or postpone a goal. :)
We are creatures of worry, aren't we?
God will show you the way, if you ask. He's always there for you. So don't forget to give everything over to him, your worry, your troubles, and let him deal with it all. If, by the end of the year, you don't have the finances, or you just aren't ready to publish, don't fret about it. Goals are not necessarily promises. Goals can be adjusted. And God has a plan. Just work with His plan and you will prosper. :)

Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
Simply Sarah said…
I want to self publish some of my work too but I agree. It's scarey and I have know idea how I will pay for it. I really enjoyed the poems today!
Donna K. Weaver said…
All legitimate concerns. Good luck!
Crystal Collier said…
Have you checked out Kickstarter? You should. Great poems--especially the one about lies. *thumbs up*
Money advice - keep all receipts and write down everything that comes in and goes out. Without wanting to demean your attempt, you probably won't be making thousands to start with... which will give you time to get used to the paperwork side. And if you do start making thousands straight away, you'll have enough money to pay for help! Good luck :-)

Annalisa Crawford, One of April's IWSG Co-Hosts
Fida Islaih said…
@Crystal, I've heard of it, but I haven't looked into it yet, thanks! And thanks, Annalisa for the tip! And thanks everyone! (-:
Fear is a wonderful motivator. It'll get you where you want to go. It'll keep from harm's way. And it'll drive you to succeed in your goals. Because fear of failure is even more motivating than fear of success.

I hear you, Fida. I'm also cheering for you.
M Pax said…
The business side isn't too hard. Get a folder that seals, stick all the receipts in there. Keep a journal of your income and expenses. I keep digital files of the payments, too. Don't be too scared.

Most of us don't become JK Rowlings, so have time to get used to the business stuff.
Christine Rains said…
Wonderful poems.

As for the business side, that frightens me too. You can do a lot for free on the internet. As Mary said above, be organized and it will seem less scary.
Fida Islaih said…
I now know I need to be organized, but there is still that other thing I mentioned. Just the thought of all those accounts and how to deal with them is now the scary part. But thanks for the help you did give, everyone (-:

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