Assalamu Alaikum sisters! I hope you are all excited for a new year coming. But don't forget that angels are watching... Recently I was listening to a lecture, I forget by who, but it was about our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). One thing mention that popped out to me was this: "Don't walk in your house naked, there are creatures (the angels) inside your house." So my mind hit scattered thinking. Back to the prophet's story. Remember when he was in the cave? And angel Jibreel came to him. Our Prophet didn't know it was the angel. He thought it was a jinn. And you know he rushed to Khadejjah's arms, asking for comfort: telling the story. She then did an experiment. When she took of her hijab, the presence went away and when she put it back on it came back. See? Angels know and understand modesty. So then I thought of myself. At times I forget to take off my hijab, but I know it's there. And so when I heard this I was thinking maybe that...
Let your heart heal.