Hello readers, Through the luck of the Rafflecopter draw, I got picked to enter the Writer’s Voice, a multi-blog, multi-agent contest hosted by Cupid of Cupid’s Literary Connection , Krista Van Dolzer of Mother. Write. (Repeat.) , Monica B.W. of Love YA , and Brenda Drake of Brenda Drake Writes . (You can read all about it here .) As part of the contest, here are my query + 250! My Query: DECIDING HIJAB is a 15,100 worded multicultural, girly YA. 15 year old Yasmeen recently started wearing the headscarf. Along with covering up comes problems. She faces an atheist teacher giving mis-information and getting unwanted attention from a boy. Some good comes out of this, Yasmeen meets a faithful Christian girl named Jenna and she has a load of questions for her interest in their religion, Islam. They faces many problems, yet that doesn't stop them from being who they are and want to be. I'm a muslim college student and poet. I have been published in two small Muslim girl...
All the best with self-publishing and moving on!
Would it be possible for you to add Write...Edit...Publish into your Blog Post Title. I've come by about 3 times thinking you hadn't posted yet, then decided to open this post and comment anyway. Most of the participants may not realise this is your post.
Thank you for posting for WEP. I really appreciate it.
Congratulations on your self-pub collection. You are so brave!