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Showing posts from June, 2013

What's Up Wednesday

Hello readers and what is up?? I hope you enjoy today's post! What I'm Reading I just finished reading LOVE, TINK. I did a review a couple of days ago.  What I'm Writing  My latest WIP has a title WOULD YOU BELIEVE and I have a sample of it on wattpad. It also reached the 12k mark! It's about a strong faithed girl who is friends with two girls who don't have faith and is losing faith and what becomes of them.    What Else I've Been Up To My poetry collection is not just a collection waiting to be crowdfunded, I got my first supporter and lots of people spreading the word. I also found people to help me edit, format and market it, yay!! You can find an excerpt and donate at What Inspires Me Right Now Twitter conversations and the energy within myself. 

Monday Blessings, Part Two #15: Birthday

Salaam readers, Yesterday was my birthday and this is what I was blessed with: Waking up to happy birthday smiles and hugs from my parents. Hearing Quran. Going on Facebook to see 'happy birthdays!' from my extended family. Toured Biltmore Estates, had ice cream. It's like a little paradise on earth. Had a bonfire in the evening and rain storm at night. Last but not least, I got my chocolate!! Love, Fida Islaih (all writing is mine & copyrighted unless stated otherwise).

Monday Blessings #15: Up in the Mountains

Salaam readers, I had an outing with my friends. Just my friends. It was my first one and it was great! I spent a week out of state seeing the mountains and the beach. It makes missing Malaysia a little less hard. At first there was something about the air that made me sneeze, I had to adjust to it and then loved it. It's what I get for being in flat land, smog filled. Last but not least, I had a great birthday! Tomorrow I'll post my birthday blessings. Be on the lookout and enjoy! Love, Fida Islaih (all writing is mine & copyrighted unless stated otherwise).

June TCWT Blog Chain

Hello readers, the prompt for this month's blog chain is: “How have both the people in your life and your own personal experiences impacted your writing? Do you ever base characters off of people you know?” There are moments in my life that left an impact on me whether good or bad some are stories I see that need to be heard People need to know the struggles and successes of being a Muslim My characters are based off of me and my friends, enemies, or just acquaintances My characters are based on who I wish to be and other dreams I've had. Love, Fida Islaih (all writing is mine & copyrighted unless stated otherwise).

Monday Blessings #14: June

Salaam readers! I applied for my first part time job! And it's the perfect one because I get to work with books and my awesome organization skills. Please pray that I get it. I tried a citrus flavored fortune cookie. I had early birthday cupcakes. It was red velvet made from scratch. I went to some more grad parties. But I'm glad they are over. The introvert in me is tired of these extroverted events. I can finally keep myself busy with a new WIP I'm working on (you'll know if you're on twitter) and my summer course started today. Last, but not least: don't forget my poetry collection campaign . I would love for you all to help. You might get a poem and/or recognition for it. Thank you! Love, Fida Islaih (all writing is mine & copyrighted unless stated otherwise).

Book Review: How I Lost You

Hello readers, Before I get into today's post I wanted to mention to those who didn't notice yesterday my campaign for my poetry collection is open and ready for some help. I was wondering if you lovely readers could help spread the word. Here's the link! Thank you in advance! Now back to today's post. Today I'm sharing my review about 'How I Lost You' by Janet Gutler. After so long I went to the bookstore knowing what books I wanted to get. Then I saw 'How I Lost You' by Janet Gurtler. I forgot the others and bought it. Right when I got home I couldn't wait to read it! I love that it started of differently than other books and with an activity you wouldn't expect. I loved it like other little things. When she mentioned a certain kind of laugh I went back in time when I laughed like that with my own friends. I loved that they had their friendship symbol and hugs like I have a friendly slap and hugs with my bestie. I could alr...

June edition of IWSG

Hello everyone! I don't think I feel insecure today. Well, if I think about it, then I do feel insecure. Remember how I said I'm going to crowd fund my poetry collection to self publish it. Well, I finished making the campaign and I'm waiting for it to be approved. I keep thinking it won't be or it will be, but not have much support of crowdfunding. Last but not least I submitted to an anthology and they said yes! But I wonder if my writing is good enough and the whole thing will get love. Love, Fida Islaih (all writing is mine & copyrighted unless stated otherwise).