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Keep Track of Your Poetry

Hello Poetteers,

I noticed several of you are having trouble keeping track of your work. Poems scattered everywhere. It can be a bad thing or a good thing. You can find it later and surprise yourself with what you wrote or look at them differently. Either way, don't throw away your older poems.

One way to keep your poems organized is to keep it together by theme. I organize my poems by months they were written in.

I love using excel for my business stats. You can use it to keep track of the poems you have by title, date written and whether you shared it or not. Also on excel, you can add another tab for submissions. List where it's submitted, when, and what the response was. Or check out these resources, Submittable or Duotrope.

I have a writing folder on my desktop with subfolders:


Or when I was researching tips to organize poetry I found a writer that kept these subfolders:

In Progress
Completed Works
Journals and Free-writes

Be sure to check out this source I found the above information at for even more tips. I suggest also have folders for templates, prompts, and inspiration. What folders do you have for writing?

Now that you have your poems organized, there are different ways to organize your poetry chapbook.

Stay inspired,

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