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The Tortured Poets Analysis

Personal Interpretation of The Tortured Poets  Dear readers, I enjoy reading a song and analyzing the lyrics. I love being able to detect the story she's telling while also interpreting it. I develop my own personal connection. Here's a breakdown why some of the lyrics have become my favorite. no one here to blame, what about your quiet treason. the betrayal brought her depression and she’s attempting to move on but the forced energy isn’t healing. It's about struggling with a traumatic situation alone because no one noticed the changes in you. The narrator is envious of those living peaceful lives and frustrated that friends found better people to be with. I've seen this episode and still loved the show, I've read this one where you come undone, I chose this cyclone with you. Depending on the perspective you choose it's about the guilt and regret for getting in your own way or willing to stay with someone through their mental illness. The voices in his head cal
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About Draft 2 Digital Publishing

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Expenses for the Indie Author

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Are You Over-Editing Your Work?

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Improve Your Self Editing

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