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Indie Kissing Blogfest

Hello readers,

As a Muslim girl
I'm not allowed to have a relationship
with the opposite gender
so on that note, we are not allowed to touch
definitely not kiss

But as a girl
you can help to dream what ifs

What if I waited in the hall
for him before class, would we have kissed?
what if after telling purple is my favorite color
and he said he wore it for me
would we have kissed?

What if after he thanked me for helping explaining someone
instead of an air high five, we kissed?

What if after he brought me a box of tissues
and I froze after our hands touched,
with my head down I lifted it up and we kissed?

What if after he called my name
he caught up to me and we kissed?

I try to dismiss these what ifs
cuz the most special kiss is the one you hold
for a special someone
after so many years only for that person.

So what if you thought I missed out
I see myself as a pearl to be found.

P.S. Here's the linky to everyone participating:

-Fida Islaih
{all writing is copyrighted}


Coleen Patrick said…
Fida, I love your thoughts! For different reasons, I didn't have my first kiss until after high school. So those years were spent thinking about kisses in just this way. :)
Unknown said…
Interesting to see this from a different perspective with the Muslim girl. Awesome!
Yes! Loved this too. I think the world has gone crazy and because everyone is so "free" with their affections they lose the deeper meaning behind the gesture. A kiss should be more than a sensation. It's a promise and commitment.
Laurel Garver said…
Beautifully put. A pearl to be found.
Nikki Jefford said…
Thank you for this glimpse inside another culture, Fida. The last line especially hit me. Beautiful!

Like Coleen, I didn't kiss until after high school - at the old age of 21. LOL But I think the build up turned it into something epic and unforgettable.
Dean K Miller said…
This is amazing, Fida. I shall return to read more.
LTM said…
absolutely lovely post, Fida! I think sometimes the anticipation of that first kiss can be just as exciting as when it actually happens!

Here's wishing you all the best! <3
Fida Islaih said…
@Dean K Miller, Thank you! I hope you do come for more.

And thank you everyone for understanding and enjoying my poem!
Laura Pauling said…
Anticipation is often better than the real thing. Loved it.
Shana Norris said…
This is beautiful, Fida! The what ifs are sometimes the best part. I love the last line, so lovely!
Anonymous said…
This was a unique perspective on kissing. It was a nice story.

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