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Showing posts from April, 2017

Changing it Up in May Prompts

Hello Poetteers, Last month I told you there would be a change in the prompts. I'm going from having daily prompts to weekly prompts. #dailypoetrygram will be retiring after a year of prompts. There is a hope that each month will have its own hashtag unique to the prompts. The May prompts and poems have a new hashtag. You can repost my challenge graphic on your Instagram profile for reference. Share the poems on Instagram using  #ThreadsOfPoetry and tag me @poetfida. For in-depth questions to help with these word prompts you can purchase the poetry bundle . These questions are here to guide you in writing your poem. You don’t have to answer all the questions or use all your responses in the poem. Pick your favorite responses to be in the poem and rearrange them until you’re satisfied. These word prompts are up to your creativity and interpretation.

Poetry Challenge: Verse

Hello Poetteers, Today's poetry challenge is the letter V. This is the last challenge I will be blogging about. You can find all the challenges in the April Poetry Bundle . Word Prompt Verse Questions What is your favorite verse from the Bible/Torah/Quran? Why is it your favorite? What does it mean to you? How is it incorporated into your life? Did it change your life and how? Include the actual verse somewhere in the poem. Share the poems on Instagram using #dailypoetrygram and tagging me @poetfida. These questions are here to guide you in writing your poem. You don’t have to answer all the questions or use all your responses in the poem. Pick your favorite responses to be in the poem and rearrange them until you’re satisfied. These word prompts are up to your creativity and interpretation. Stay inspired, Fida Find all the challenges in the April Poetry Bundle .

Poetry Challenge: Quit

Hello Poetteers, Today's poetry challenge is the letter Q. You can find all the challenges in the April Poetry Bundle . Word Prompt Quit Questions What are you currently trying to do? What did you give up on? Why did you give up on it? Was it a good or bad choice to give it up? Poetry Form Quatern: This poem has 16 lines broken up into 4 quatrains (or 4-line stanzas). Each line is comprised of eight syllables. The first line is the refrain. In the second stanza, the refrain appears in the second line; in the third stanza, the third line; in the fourth stanza, the fourth (and final) line. There are no rules for rhyming or iambics. ( source ). Stay inspired, Fida  Find all the challenges in the April Poetry Bundle . 

Poetry Challenge: Love

Hello Poetteers, Today's poetry challenge is the letter L. You can find all the challenges in the April Poetry Bundle . Word Prompt Love and Lost Questions What was love to you when you were a child? What is love to you today? Did you lose something recently, how and why? Poetry Form A limerick is a poetry form in five lines with a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA, which is sometimes meant to be humorous. Share the poems on Instagram using #dailypoetrygram and tagging me @poetfida. These questions are here to guide you in writing your poem. You don’t have to answer all the questions or use all your responses in the poem. Pick your favorite responses to be in the poem and rearrange them until you’re satisfied. These word prompts are up to your creativity and interpretation. Stay inspired, Fida  Find all the challenges in the  April Poetry Bundle . 

Poetry Challenge: Gratitude

Hello Poetteers, Today's poetry challenge is the letter G. You can find the whole challenge in the April Poetry Bundle . Word Prompt Give Questions How do you give yourself to the world?  How are you given your friends? What do your friends give you? How do you show gratitude?  Poetry Form Gogyohka was a form developed by Enta Kusakabe in Japan and translates literally to “five-line poem.” An off-shoot of the tanka form, the gogyohka has very simple rules: The poem is comprised of five lines with one phrase per line. ( source ). Share the poems on Instagram using #dailypoetrygram and tagging me @poetfida. These questions are here to guide you in writing your poem. You don’t have to answer all the questions or use all your responses in the poem. Pick your favorite responses to be in the poem and rearrange them until you’re satisfied. These word prompts are up to your creativity and interpretation. Example I show my heart to the world show...

Poetry Challenge: Burning Fiercely

Hello Poetteers, Welcome to the first day of the A to Z Poetry challenge. I won't be blogging every day. You can find all the challenges in the April Poetry Bundle . Today's challenge is the letter A. Word Prompt Ablaze Questions What sparked a fire in you? How are you fierce? What strong emotions are you feeling? What bright colors describe those emotions? Poetry Form Acrostic Share the poems on Instagram using #dailypoetrygram and tagging me @poetfida. This is all optional. These questions are here to guide you in writing your poem. You don’t have to answer all the questions or use all your responses in the poem. Pick your favorite responses to be in the poem and rearrange them until you’re satisfied. These word prompts are up to your creativity and interpretation. Example Burning Fiercely  I'm always asked about my faith and culture of why I fast and wear the headscarf blue with frustration and red with anger  instead of letting...